Weird Error Messages in Gatsby

Gatsby's logo saying "idk lol"

Gatsby is great! But every now and then it throws a weird, unhelpful error message my way.

So, here is a collection of weird errors and the solutions I found (collection of one, to start 🙄). For future-me and, perhaps, present-you.

The result of this StaticQuery could not be fetched…

The result of this StaticQuery could not be fetched. This is likely a bug in Gatsby and if refreshing the page does not fix it, please open an issue in

There are many possible reasons for this error to pop. It seems to pop whenever anything goes wrong and usually has nothing to do with the error message 🤷

Here are three possible reasons:

Having multiple static queries in a single file.

As stated in the Gatsby docs

Because of how queries currently work in Gatsby, we support only a single instance of useStaticQuery in a file

If you can’t merge all queries into one, a simple solution is to extract the extra query in a component.

Using a filter AND not using edges

Not sure why, but on one of my collections, this works fine:

allFoo(filter: { language: { eq: "fr" } }) {
  nodes {

While it fails on another unless I change it to this:

allFoo(filter: { language: { eq: "fr" } }) {
  edges {
    node {

Changing the name of your query

While refactoring, I changed one of my static query’s name.

Something like going from:

const { allMenus } = useStaticQuery(
    query FooQueryName {


const { allMenus } = useStaticQuery(
    query BarQueryName {

And that was a no-go for gatsby. Restarting the development server wasn’t enough, I had to run gatsby clean too.

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